Alkahest my heroes have always died at the end

April 29, 2009

Memento mori

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 1:06 pm

StillLifeWithASkullIt’s definitive – we are having a 20th year high school reunion.  I’m not entirely certain how I feel about the whole thing.  Thinking back, I don’t have too many fond memories of high school.  In fairness, I don’t do well with event-type recollection, so I don’t have too many memories in general from that period, but my overall sense is that the past 20 years have been much better than the 3 at CLA.  I will admit to a certain morbid curiousity about the reunion and my high school classmates.  General predictions: 1) the correlation of popularity to success is less than or equal to zero; 2) while we are all adults and more than twice our age at graduation, cliques will reform immediately at the reunion; 3) people who enjoyed high school will have a better time at the reunion than those who didn’t; and 4) I’m one of, if not the most, liberal members of our .  🙂

I still don’t know if I’ll try to go to the reunion or not, but either way, I’ve thought more about high school this past week than I have in a decade.  If I hadn’t thrown out the year books (I think), I might go through them and see what all I’m forgetting.

1 Comment

  1. Going through the year book did not help me much with all of the memories but some.

    Comment by John — April 30, 2009 @ 10:26 am

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